Sunday, 1 June 2014

Australia, Peel Island 29/05/14

Mosquito Log, day 13

There was an interesting development today in our plan to take over the human civilization. Our numbers have been progressively increasing recently. We have successfully chased most other lifeforms from Peel Island, so we are right on track with our mission statement. However the females in our swarm are struggling to find sustenance. A few of us were considering an attempt at reaching the mainland, although a trip of this magnitude would be perilous.

Things turned around today when we came across four intruders on our island. They parked a water vessel in the bay here, then came over to us on a smaller craft. They beached their vessel and proceeded to venture forward. We lay in wait. This gave them a false sense of security as we let them explore through the abandoned bushland and marshes for about ten minutes. Then we revealed ourselves. We decided to advance in waves, hitting them with a smaller swarm to start with. They seemed only mildly concerned. The imbeciles had nothing to protect them from our advances - they were baring a delicious amount of skin. Not like other intruders we've encountered in the past, who have been coated in a slimy substance which smelt horrible and tasted very unappealing. These people had none of that. We were able to infiltrate their minor protection and the blood bath began.

Once they were starting to become concerned with our presence, we attacked in force and we attacked hard. We completely encompassed them, coming down on them like a blood-sucking blanket. They started to panic, and jogged further into the woods. We now had them right where we wanted them.

We gorged ourselves until some of the swarm become fat and slow. We started to lose members of our infantry as they became lazy and careless. Our targets were fighting back. They gave up quickly though, and made an about face to start sprinting away from our base. Some of us had overindulged too much to follow, but a large portion of the swarm chased them as they ran towards their boat. They retreated quickly. A small number of my division gave chase over water, but they never returned. I can only assume their lives have been terminated.

I am confident we inflicted a significant amount of damage today. Our numbers have taken a minor hit, but the swarm remains healthy and strong. We will continue to take over this island, lying in wait for our next meal.


  1. HAHAHAHA love that last photo of Garth!

  2. Jesus! I don't think I've ever understood the thing about mosquitos before those pictures ("eh, sandflies don't bother me much, and mosquito's are pretty similar, right?"), but that's both insane and horrifying

    1. Haha, it wasn't fun! We'd start running and they'd all move off us for the most part... To form a giant black cloud around our heads. We got the hell out of there.


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